Michael Thomas,
Senior Pastor
Pastor Thomas was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He was educated by the Detroit Public Schools System, and attended Frank Cody High School. Upon graduating from high school, Pastor Thomas attended Western Michigan University and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education. While attending Western, Pastor Thomas met and married the former Arlene C. Calhoun.
After being called to the ministry, Pastor Thomas attended Grand Rapids Theological Seminary and earned a Master of Religious Education degree. Later, he returned to Detroit and earned an Education Specialist degree in General Administration and Supervision from Wayne State University.
Pastor Thomas has been serving in ministry for over 25 years in various capacities. He and First Lady Arlene have a marriage ministry called Two Have and Two Hold Ministries which specializes in pre-marital, martal, and reparative counseling.
First Lady Arlene was born and raised in Roseville, Michigan. She was educated by the Roseville Public Schools System, and attended Roseville High School. Upon graduating from high school, First Lady Arlene attended Western Michigan University and earned a Bachelor of Administration degree in Business. While attending Western, First Lady Arlene happily met and married Pastor Michael A. Thomas.
First Lady Arlene is a graduate of Stone by Stone Leadership Training Institute. She has 18 years of experience in banking, serving as a Human Resources Training Consultant, Banking Center Manager and Call Center Consultant Trainer.
First Lady Arlene has been serving in ministry for over 25 years. She has ministered as First Lady, a Women's group speaker, AWANA Leader, and discipleship group leader. She also served with Pastor Thomas as a Sunday School teacher, Prison Ministry, hospital visitation, and street evangelism.
First Lady Arlene is known for her enthusiasm, sense of humor and zest for life. Her greatest joy is being an encourager to the Body of Christ.
Pastor and First Lady have been married for 37 years and have two adult children.
Arlene C Thomas,
First Lady